
Hotel Romanda is located in Lavorane (Altopiano di Lavarone Folgaria Luserna), in Trentino..

Hotel Romanda is reachable from the main street arteries by car :
  • from Brennero A22 highway: Exit Trento centre, then take the SS 349 of Fricca,
  • from Brennero A22 highway: Exit Rovereto Nord, SS 12 to Calliano, then the SS 350 Valdastico,
  • from A31 highway of Valdastico: Take exit Casello di Piovene Rocchette, then the SS 350 Valdastico (37km).
Or by bus:
  • By train: line from Brennero, the useful train stops are in Trento (30 km) or Rovereto (30 km).
  • By bus: from Trento or Roveto, the Trentino Trasporti company that manages busses has a daily lines connected to Lavarone.

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