You can use the following form to request information or send us comments, remember to include your contact information to allow us to send you an answer.

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E-mail Telephone
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 Notes/ particular notices or requests :

  Treatment of personal data.
Hotel Romanda shall safeguard the privacy of its customers as provided for by former Art.13 of the Leg. Decree Nr.196/2003. By entering their personal data in the different sections of the site, the customers authorize Hotel Romanda to treat and save them. Said personal information shall only be for internal use by our company. Hotel Romanda shall not sell, nor shall it license said personal information to third parties without prior explicit authorization. For the protection of our customers, all Hotel Romanda employees must follow the provisions concerning privacy. The interested parties can at any moment exercise their rights according to Art. 7 of the Legislative Decree Nr.196/2003. Hotel Romanda shall collaborate with the public authorities in those cases in which the provisions of law or procedural laws require it to give information about the customer.

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